Pranati Narayan

Pranati Narayan is an Ayurvedic Scholar who loves to write about Ayurveda.

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Piles and its treatment : An ayurvedic approach

Nowadays, faulty food habits of eating junk food, eating late at night, spicy food, and many more are making us unfit and unhealthy. Our lifestyle is responsible for making us diseased. Negligence of proper diet reduces our digestive fire and ultimately the food is not digested properly which is the root cause of many diseases, one of which is piles.   What is piles and what are its symptoms?   In Ayurveda Piles is called Arsha. Piles (Arsha) is a painful condition in which the lower rectum gets inflamed. In arsha, a fleshy mass of variable shape, size and colour appears in the anus.   Piles exhibit following symptoms – The passage of gas is obstructed. Poor appetite. Constipation. Pain while defecation.   Based on Dosha predominance arsh can be divided into two groups that are –   1- Sushkarsha : In this arsha, dominance of vata and kapha dosha is seen. It is called as non-bleeding piles. 2- Sraavi arsha : In this arsha, dominance of Pitta and Rakta is seen. In this, patient passes bloody stools. It is called as bleeding piles.   What causes Piles?   There are many reasons that can cause piles. These are- It could be hereditary. Poor Diet such as eating less fibrous and watery food. Staining while defecating.   What are the treatments of Piles in Ayurveda?   Ayurveda treats piles on the basis of severity. In less severe piles following treatments can be done – Abhyanga. Avgahan (medicated sitz bath). Lepan (application of medicated paste). Local application of kasisaadi taila. Panchkarma like virechan and Basti. Medicines like arshakhuthar ras, triphala, Arogyavardhani vati, usheeraasav.   In more severe piles along with above medications following treatments are also done – Agnikarma or cauterization. Kshar sutra treatment – It is a non-surgical treatment that is done for fistula, piles, and fissures. In this procedure kshar (alkaline) medicated paste is applied over the affected area and the kshar sutra (dedicated alkaline ligation) is done.   We at Praanad Ayurved provide kshar sutra treatment for patients suffering from piles, fistula , or fissures.   Are there any precautions for piles?   Yes, you can follow the precautionary measures stated below – Exercise regularly. Add more fibrous rich food. Keep yourself hydrated. Don’t strain while defecating. If you are constipated, get it treated.   The bottom line Piles is common yet a troublesome and painful disease. It can be cured with proper medical intervention. If you are suffering from it, don’t be careless. Get yourself treated as soon as possible.   With Ayurveda piles can be treated well without recurrence if you follow the instructions of your Vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor) properly.

Know about Ringworm – An Ayurvedic View

Fungal infections cause the most common ailments. One such disease is ringworm. Ringworm is also known as Dermatophytosis. Ringworm is a fungal infection that affects your skin. As its name suggests, it is circular in appearance. The fungus appears like a copper-coloured worm in a round shape, that causes severe itching. Its not caused by a worm though. There are several treatments for this ailment but Ayurveda not only treats this fungal infection but also prevents our body from getting infected. Here, you will get to know about treatments for ringworm through Ayurveda. What is Ringworm According to Ayurveda? Ringworm is referred as dadru in Ayurveda. This disease is classified among 18 diseases under the heading kushta roga which are skin diseases. According to Ayurvedic texts it is caused due to vitiation of Pitta and Kapha dosha. In Ayurveda this medical condition is described as – Bluish discolored, linearly distributed raised circular rash that causes severe itching. This condition can remain for a longer period and can attain other shapes as well.   What causes Ringworm?   Ayurveda says that it is due to our wrong food habits that the above two mentioned doshas get aggravated. The habit of eating wrong food combinations like eating sour curd with milk for a long time, wrong food habits like eating heavy food and many other such habits aggravate the doshas and cause Ringworm lately. What are the Symptoms of Ringworm?   Following symptoms are experienced in Ringworm- Dryness and itching over the affected area. Burning sensation. The skin may flake off. How Ayurveda treats Ringworm? Ayurveda has a wide range of treatment plans for Ringworm. These are – External application of herbs like jatyadi oil, nalpamaradi taila, Karanja taila and so on. Medicines like patoladi kashayam, gandhak rasayan, haridra khand, panchtikta guggulu and many more. Panchakarma therapy named vaman, virechana, raktamokshana can be done. Single drug formulations like gandhak, bakuchi, nimb, patol and many more are used. You can also do some yoga asanas like padmasana, sukasana, surya namaskar and many more. Takeaway Ringworm is a fungal condition that needs treatment. Ayurveda gives you a wide range of treatments for curing the same. You can also prevent ringworm infection by avoiding wrong food habits, wearing dried loose clothes, avoid sweating and so on.

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Ayurvedic Treatment For Conjunctivitis

We see this beautiful world through our eyes. The eyes are one of the sensory organs of our body. They are made up of many minute and sensitive areas, one of which is the conjunctiva. The white portion of the eyes is conjunctiva which is a transparent membrane that also covers the eyelids. When the blood vessels present in the conjunctiva become inflamed, then this condition is known as conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is a very common disease. Here in this blog, you will get to know what is told about this disease and what are the treatments in Ayurveda. What does Ayurveda say about conjunctivitis? As mentioned by acharyas, conjunctivitis is a condition that can be co-related with Abhishyanda. Abhishyanda is composed of two words that are ‘abhi’ which means profuse or more and ‘shyanda’ which means discharge and secretion. The root cause of any disease in Ayurveda is the vitiation of the three doshas. Based on the vitiation of doshas, Abhishyanda is of three types— 1- Vataj Abhishyanda: Its main symptom is unbearable pain in the eyes.2- Pittaj Abhishyanda: Its main symptom is burning sensation in eyes.3- Kaphaj Abhishyanda : Its main symptom is severe itching and water discharge from eyes.4- Raktaj Abhishyanda: Its main symptom is redness in eye along with itching, pain and burning sensation in eye. What are the symptoms and causes of Conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis is an infectious disease. When it occurs, the following symptoms can be seen — Profuse itching and burning sensation in eyes. Redness is seen in the white part of the eyes. Teary eyes or sticky discharge from eyes. Blurred vision.Swelling. Eyes become sensitive to light. There are several causes of conjunctivitis. These include – infections like bacteria and viruses. Allergies like dust and pollen. Irritants like chemicals in cosmetics. Foreign bodies like insect. Severe disease conditions like diabetes. What are the treatments for Conjunctivitis in Ayurveda? Ayurveda can treat conjunctivitis through following ways – 1- Lifestyle modifications : These include precautions like practicing good hygiene, washing hands regularly, avoiding day sleep and suppression of natural urges like sneezing, cough and many more. 2—Dietary control : It includes avoiding heavy, oily and hard to digest foods. Including more leafy green vegetables, pomegranate and rock salt. 3—Yoga : This helps you to cope with stress and strain on your eyes. Moreover it also strengthens the muscles of the eyes. Following yoga postures can be helpful in conjunctivitis- Suryanamaskar Sarvangasana Bhujangasana Shavasana 4—Medications : Ayurveda suggests ample medications for conjunctivitis. These are— Use of internal medications like— sudarshan churna, punarnavasav.  Use of external medication in the form of— Dhara: In this medicated liquid is poured over the eyes. Washing eyes with medicated decoction like triphala. Aschyotana: Pouring medicated liquid in the form of eye drops. Vidalaka: In this, medicated paste is applied over the eyelids. Gandusha: Holding medicated liquid or paste for a while in your mouth. 5—Purification: These include procedures that remove toxins from our body. For conjunctivitis these procedures are — Virechan ( Purgation) Nasya Rakta Mokshan ( Blood letting) Takeaway: Conjunctivitis can be fully cured through Ayurveda. If you are suffering with conjunctivitis then, you must visit a doctor before it becomes complicated. Eyes are the sensitive organs so never use anything herbal before consulting Vaidya ( Ayurvedic doctor).

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All you need to know about chapped lips according to Ayurveda

Are you embarrassed with your chapped lips over your date? If not, then you might have been fed up with eating spicy food with chapped lips at least once till now. Yes? Well, you need not get upset. Here, we are for your help through Ayurveda and home remedies.   Why do lips get chapped according to Ayurveda?   Well if you are here at “Praanad Ayurved” you must be knowing about the three doshas mentioned in Ayurveda. Chapped lips are caused due to vitiation of Vata dosha in our body. This condition of lips can be correlated with vataj oshtharog.   Here are some reasons for your cracked lips Dry weather conditions. Biting or pricking your lips more often. Excessive licking of lips. Dehydration. Over sun exposure. Using harsh chemical products over your lips. Malnutrition or certain medications. How would you know that your lips are chapped?   Most of us are quite learned about this but, some must have experienced chapped lips for the first time. So, for you, the symptoms are below – Rough, hard, black, acutely painful lips. Dryness, redness, or flakes over lips. Bleeding or burning sensation. How chapped lips are treated with Ayurveda? Ayurvedic treatment for chapped lips includes –